Payments orchestration
made simple

Easily build, manage, and optimize your connections to any payment gateway or method worldwide with centralisera.

Trusted by the world’s most ambitious companies
New integrations added weekly

Enjoy hundreds of codeless connections

Take advantage of simply clicking on any available payment method you would like to use, type in your credentials and be up and running within a few minutes.

Manage, collaborate and optimise

Never lose any payment - ever again.

We have done all the heavy lifting so that you may focus on your business. The Centralisera dashboard allows you complete access to manage all your payment methods from one source and maximise your revenue by never losing another payment.

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Plug & Pay

Ready-made plugins with zero integration

Enjoy our ready-made plugins that are available for top platforms. As a client you only connect your unique credentials and build out your payments journey.

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The Centralisera platform

Payment Automations Platform

The only platform you will ever need to manage payments.

Through our PCI DSS Level-1 platform we have built a truly automated system that will centralise your dashboards and reports to make better and faster payment processing decisions.

Endless Payment Routes

Each client is unique and you have your own preferences how a payment should be handled.

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No/Low-code integration

Get started with Centralisera payments platform in no time at all. Our system has been built for No/Low-code integrations so that anyone can leverage payments automation.

Blacklisting & Whitelisting

Work with the customers you want and steer away the bad ones. Through multiple options you can easily embrace or turn away certain customers.

Military Grade Security

We are PCI DSS Level-1 certified and our clients & their end-users can feel safe that their personal information is not jeopardised.

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Configurable UI/UX

Easily design and create a payments page that your customers will feel comfortable with.

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Built For Scale

Our infrastructure is built to manage large volumes of transactions with limited to no downtime.

"Undoubtedly the most convenient way to manage our payments."

Clients round the globe enjoys the flexibility and simplicity that Centralisera has to offer.

Our Blog

Stay updated with the latest in the industry

Learn about some of the latest news and insights from the payments industry.

Start accepting payments today

7-day free trial. No creditcard required.